to bridge current nuclear practices
with leading-edge innovation
June 4 -7 2023
Saint John Trade & Convention Centre, NB
Don’t miss your chance to learn from and meet with industry leaders!
Education, Engagement and Inclusion the core focus of the CNS Annual Conference for 2023. Each element of the program is designed to highlight insights and key learnings for attendees grow through professional development and achieve continued success through an era of change.
The Call for Nominations for the 2023 Canadian Nuclear Achievement Awards has now been issued. The deadline for submissions of nominations is April 15th, 2023. For information about the 2022 Canadian Nuclear Achievement Awards click the link below to review the award requirements.
Book your room at the
beautiful Hilton, Saint John
at our special conference rate
Group Code: NUCA23
About the Conference
The objective of the Annual CNS Conference and the embedded Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and information related to the peaceful application and advancement of nuclear science and technology as well as for discussing energy-related issues in general. The theme of this year’s conference is “Shifting the paradigm of thought to bridge current nuclear practices with leading-edge innovation”, which reflects the global transition into a new nuclear renaissance.
The conference would facilitate collaborative discussions among various rightsholder and stakeholders to help facilitate the transition to more advanced technologies and to strengthen the importance of nuclear energy as the main driver for reaching the net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Our Annual Conference typically draws about 400 delegates from across Canada and other nuclear jurisdictions, from both senior management and technical fields – from the private and public sectors. The conference features:

Plenary sessions
with invited speakers to address significant industry developments

An embedded Symposium
on Small Modular Reactors addressing all aspects of this emerging technology.

Technical sessions
with subject-matter experts from utilities, suppliers, the regulators, academia, federal laboratories, and agencies to present the latest advancements in nuclear science and technology.

with industrial leaders showcasing their latest nuclear products and technology

Student conference
with student poster presentations
Social Events
that facilitate discussions and networking on subjects of common interests
*Stay tuned for more information*
2023 Conference Speakers

Hon. Blaine Higgs
Premier New Brunswick

Hon. Mike Holland
Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development

Dazawray Landrie-Parker
MGENIA, Doctoral Candidate

David Brock
VP, Energy Security, Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan

Rishi Jain
Cross Marketing Director, Cross River Infrastructure Partners LLC

Jacquie Hoornweg
Executive Director of Ontario Tech University’s

Tim Eckel
VP, Asset Management, Planning and Sustainability, SaskPower

John Gorman
President and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Association

Austin Paul
First Nations Affairs Liaison and Environment Specialist, NB Power

Steve Gregoris
Chief Nuclear Officer, OPG

Paula Ward
Community Development Coordinator at North Shore Micmac District Council

Ms. Lori-Ann Ramsay
Chief Business Development Officer, Prodigy Clean Energy

Dave Tucker
Assistant Vice President Research, McMaster University

Chris Mudrick
EVP & CNO, Bruce Power

Lisa Frizzell
VP Communications, NWMO

John Peevers
Director Community and Media Relations, Bruce Power

Brett Plumer
Chief Nuclear Officer NB Power

Rachna Clavero
President and CEO of the Candu Owners Group

Vanessa White
Director, Renewable and Alternative Energy, Alberta Innovates

Devan Wagner
Systems designer and technical lead for the CSA Lunar nuclear power system concept study

Jeffrey Griffin
Vice-President of Science & Technology for CNL

Kristie Halka Glazier
Energy & Mines Coordinator, Mi’gmawe’l Tplu’taqnn Inc.

Mike Crabtree
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC)
Program Overview
Education, Engagement and Inclusion are the core focus of the CNS Annual Conference for 2023. Each element of the program is designed to highlight insights and key learnings for attendees growth through professional development and achieve continued success through an era of change.
Instructions for Authors
Submissions are being collected for two different programs (each has unique requirements, please read them carefully):
- The main Technical Program of the conference, and
- The Student Program that is embedded into the conference.
Note that students are permitted to submit to the Technical Program as long as they do not submit the same topic to the Student Program, and their paper meets all requirements of the Technical Program.
This exhibitor and sponsorship package is your invitation to become a part of the CNS 2023 Conferences & Events. Join the discussion about how we, as leaders in nuclear industry can better prepare the profession for the future with new and emerging technologies while advancing your business objectives through activated sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities. Showcase your leadership and commitment to the association sector while building brand awareness, trust and loyalty.
For sponsorship & exhibitor related inquiries please contact the Sponsorship and Exhibition Chair, Moe Fadaee at moe.fadaee@cns-snc.ca